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Posts Tagged ‘Royal Wedding’

Birmingham Big Screen Royal Wedding

April 28, 2011 @ 10:57 am
posted by skyline

Patriotic Brummies will be able to watch the wedding of HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton live on the Big Screen located in Victoria Square. 

Anita Bhalla from the BBC said: “The BBC Big Screen network is delighted to be bringing comprehensive coverage of the Royal Wedding to the public. The Big Screens platform allows us to provide the public with a wide variety of content with local and national significance, the screens play a vital role in bringing  people together to experience and share special moments”.

Coverage of the Royal Wedding on BBC Big Screens across the country will start at 8.00am and run throughout the day.


Birmingham Royal Wedding Celebrations

April 27, 2011 @ 12:39 pm
posted by skyline

Patriotic Brummies are getting ready this week to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Official figures reveal that 25 street parties will be held in Birmingham compares to 14 in Dudley, 10 in Wolverhampton and 7 in Walsall . Overall figures show that in total 5,500 street closures will occur across the UK.

Many pubs bars and restaurants across Birmingham and the West Midlands region are having Royal Wedding themed events with discounts to those dressed for the occasion.

Many more will be bringing out the bunting in quieter cul-de-sacs where road closure orders are not required.

The prime minister recently clarified the issue when he urged people to hold street parties and not to be worried by red tape.

Mr Cameron said: “Samantha and I will be holding one in Downing Street and bringing together local people and charities.

“It’s incredibly simple. All you need to do is to get in touch with your council if you need to close the road. They’ll let you know if there are any issues.

“My message to everyone who wants to have a street party is: I’m having one and I want you to go ahead and have one too.

“The truth is that this is a great chance for communities to come together and celebrate.

“So go on – bring out the bunting and let’s make this a day to remember. For everyone.”

Minister for health and safety Chris Grayling said: “The royal wedding will be a great national occasion and I want to reassure everyone that they can have street parties with friends and family and bring out the bunting to celebrate in time-honoured British tradition.
